Thursday, April 30, 2020

International Research Symposium: USFSP - UT Comparative Legal Research Project

Today was the big day! Our International Research Symposium.

The 8 groups presented their research posters -- each of the students in each group presented his/her research.  All of the posters and abstracts will be shared in a separate post.

Here, I wanted to share with you a few pictures of our International Research Symposium

From the University of South Florida St. Petersburg,we were joined by

the Chancellor Martin Tadlock, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Catherine Cardwell, Director of Research Jon Johnson, and Director of Global Engagement Wendy Baker 

and from the University of Tetova,we were joined by

Vice Rector for International Relations Shefik Sheu, Dean of the Law Faculty Qebir Avziu. and Professor Driton Kuci

 And we were also joined by Liridona Kuçi - Municipal coordinator of Local Youth Council, Tetovo and Olti Esati - President of Youth Council

Thank you so much for supporting the students' research cooperation!

Elsewhere on this blog, the abstracts and the pictures of each of the eight posters are posted.  Below are a few pictures of our Symposium on the day. We used Blackboard Collaborate Ultra for this live joint session. Students were able to share their powerpoint presentations using this platform:

Faculty Leaders Prof. Judithanne McLauchlan and Prof. Jusuf Zejneli
Chancellor Tadlock congratulates the students on their research cooperation

Prof Driton Kuci, Dean Qebir Avziiu and Prof Judithanne McLauchlan

the Group 1 Poster, Reproductive Rights in the US and in Europe

Vice Rector Shefik Shehu

For more about the Youth Council, see

The Local Youth Council of Tetovo posted about the USFSP - UT International Research Symposium

Thanks to the Youth Council of Tetovo for joining our International Research Symposium!

We appreciated hearing from Liridona Kuçi - Municipal coordinator of Local Youth Council, Tetovo as well as from Olti Esati - President of Youth Council - Tetovo 

Here is the Youth Council's facebook post and pictures from our symposium:

Të nderuar të ishim pjesëmarrës në konferencën online organizuar nga Fakulteti Juridik, Universiteti Tetovës dhe University of South Florida St. Petersburg USA.
Në kuadër të lëndës "E drejta kushtetuese krahasuese", prof.dr. Jusuf Zejneli dhe prof.dr.Judithanne Scourfield McLauchlan, realizuan projekt hulumtues me studentët të cilëve ju ligjërojnë, me temë: "Joint Comparative Legal Research Project, Civil Liberties in the U.S. and in Europe, A comparison of Cases decided by the SCOTUS and the ECtHR Spring 2020.
Studentët arritën me profesionalizëm të prezantojnë studimet përkatëse.
Ne konferencë mori pjesë edhe prorektori për marrëdhenie ndërkombëtare UT Doc.dr.Shefik Sheku dhe Dekani Fakultetit Juridik, prof.dr.Qebir Avziu, poashtu dhe mysafir profesor Driton Kuçi.
Përfaqësues të Këshillit Rinor Lokal, Tetovë ishin kryetari Olti Esati dhe koordinatorja komunale, Liridona Kuçi të cilëve ju dha fjala përshëndetëse. Këto njohuri do të shpërndahen në disa puntori që do organizohen sapo të na lejojnë kushtet.

Имавме чест да учествуваме на онлајн конференцијата организирана од Правниот факултет, Универзитет во Тетово и Универзитетот во Јужна Флорида Св. Петербург САД.
Во рамките на предметот „Компаративен уставен закон“, проф.др. Јусуф Зејнели и проф. Д-р Judудихан Скорфилд МекЛаучлан, спроведоа истражувачки проект со студенти кои предаваа на тема: „Заеднички проект за компаративно правно истражување, граѓански слободи во САД и во Европа, Споредба на случаи што ги одлучуваат СКОТУС и ЕСЧП пролет 2020 година.
Студентите успеаја да ги презентираат релевантните студии со професионализам.
На конференцијата присуствуваа и заменик-ректорот за меѓународни односи УТ доктор д-р Шефик Шеку и деканот на Правниот факултет, проф.д-р Кебир Авзиу, како и гостинот професор Дритон Кучи.
Претставници на Локалниот младински совет, Тетово беа претседателот Олти Есати и општинскиот координатор, Лиридона Кучи, на кого беше поздравен говор. Ова знаење ќе биде дистрибуирано до некои работници кои ќе бидат организирани веднаш штом ќе дозволат условите.
For more about the Youth Council of Tetovo, see


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

USFSP UT International Research Cooperation: Comparing and Contrasting Decisions of the European Court of Human Rights and the Supreme Court of the United States

Our USFSP and UT students were working together in groups on comparative legal research projects, comparing and contrasting decisions of the ECtHR and SCOTUS on similar legal questions.

The 8 posters/groups topics were as follows:

Group 1:  Reproductive Rights in the US and in Ireland (Roe v. Wade (1073) and ABC v Ireland (2010)

Group 2: Freedom of Expression in Wartime

Group 3: Freedom of Association

Group 4: What is Torture? (Rasul v. Rumsfeld and Ireland v. UK)

Group 5: The Death Penalty:  Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Group 6: Rights of the Disabled in State Care

Group 7:  The Right to Marry in the US and in the COE

Group 8: Right to a Fair Trial

Professor Jusuf Zejneli discusses our International Research Cooperation USFSP - UT on Makedonska Radio Televizija

Our research partner, Professor Jusuf Zejneli sat down with Semra Ajeti of  Macedonian Radio Television  to discuss the move to online learning.  

In the interview he discusses our joint research project, engaging students at the University of South Florida and the University of Tetovo. 

You can watch the interview here:

-Aspekti juridik kushtetues i gjendjes së jashtzakonshme, funksionimi i institucioneve, mësimi online, sfidat, përparësitë, jeta në vetizolim, krijimtaria shkencore!

- the constitutional legal aspect of the state of emergency, the operation of institutions, online learning, challenges, priorities, life in vetizolim, scientific creativity!

Our 2nd Joint USFSP UT Videoconference -- via BBCU

By the time of our mid-point check-in, we were all distance learning from the safety of our homes.  Instead of trying to join by skype in our classroom, this time we were using the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra platform in our LMS Canvass.

BBCU allows us to invite guests to participate -- so the faculty and students at UT can join us even though they are not enrolled in our course.

Actually - this worked out MUCH better than our videoconference in our face-to-face classroom (where each student needed to approach my laptop in order to use the microphone).  And we did not have the technology/connectivity issues as we had in the classroom -- getting the video and sound to work.  This is another area where I may re-think the platform and technology that I use for these kind of "global classroom" projects. 

The BBCU worked perfectly -- each participant with her own video and microphone.



Virtual Office Hours to Discuss USFSP - UT Group Posters

Our Chancellor had asked for us to be thinking about "lessons learned" during this pandemic -- and things that we are doing now that we might want to bring with us once this crisis has passed.

I have to say that these "virtual office hours" using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra, through our LMS Canvass, is one thing I plan to keep using -- especially for group projects.

BBCU let all 4 students in the group join in together -- even though not all of the students were on the same continent.

By adding the students as "presenters," they were able to upload their poster PPT into our group session for us to discuss.

Very much looking forward to our international videoconference tomorrow!  We will be using the BBCU platform for our symposium as well.  (Up to 250 participants can join in a BBCU session.)



Our First Joint USFSP - UT Videoconference!

Each of the students filled out a Group Presentation Research Topic Preference Form, indicating preferred research topic and preferred group preference.  After going through all of the preferences, I assigned the students into 8 groups -- each with 3 USFSP students.

Professor Jusuf Zejneli then worked with his class to assign one of the UT students in each of the 8 groups.

As it turned out, this was our last meeting on campus before our Spring Break.  (And, it became our last meeting on campus for the semester - as we moved wholly online during Spring Break due to the COVID-19 pandemic.)

Here we are meeting each other "face-to-face" for the first time: